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Mayawati’s Nephew Akash Anand Booked in Sitapur for Poll Code Violation

Mayawati’s Nephew Akash Anand Booked in Sitapur for Poll Code Violation

Last Updated: April 28, 2024, 23:54 IST Sitapur, India The action came after the district administration took suo motu cognisance of Anand’s speech at the rally earlier in the day (Image: PTI) In his address,…

Canada Lytton: Wildfire forces hottest place in heatwave to evacuate

Canada Lytton: Wildfire forces hottest place in heatwave to evacuate

Residents of a Canadian village which recorded the country’s highest ever temperature, 49.6C (121.3F), have been forced to flee by a wildfire. The mayor of Lytton, British Columbia, ordered people to evacuate, saying flames had…

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